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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fri 2/29/08 and Sun 3/2/08


-Pull Up 37LBSx4,4,3,2


Decided not to continue the weighted pull ups. My right elbow was getting a little sore. Think I need to pack my shoulder a bit better. Monday I will start working body weight reps in "grease the groove" style. Now for Sundays workout.

-1Arm Swing 24KGx20/20 5sets
I used a transfer swing in the middle.

-2KB Snatch 24KG/24KGx1 5sets
Very light volume day for the snatches.

-Janda Crunch 32KGx5 5sets

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's up sipes??? the vo2 thing is pretty cool....i wasnt sure what to start with etc i just did 7 reps each time and that put me getting done in about 13-14 secs; so i stuck with that stuff!!!
how's your wife and the quest for some sipes offspring??? or is that on the backburner?? later, alan
ps let's get a beer soon!!