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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Training Update


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Z, Closed Chain Dorsiflex, Pump/Pry, PP Face Wall Squat, Hanging Sh Pack

-Arm Bar/ASLR/TGU(to hip bridge) 24KGx1/1 - 2 sets

-Pistol BWx1/1 - 5 sets

-Snatch vo2(36:36) 16KGx18 - 13 sets


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Closed Chain Dorsiflex, Pump/Pry, PP Face Wall Squat, Haning Sh Pack

-Viking Push Press 16/16KGx10 - 10 sets
First time for these. Felt good but need a form check.
Alt w/
-Pull Up BWx3 - 10 sets

-PP Face Wall Squat


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Closed Chain Dorsiflex, Pump/Pry, Hanging Sh Pack

TGU w/breakdowns BWx1/1

-Snatch vo2(36:36) 16KGx18 - 16 sets

-ASLR, Mod Brettzel


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Pump/Pry, PP Face Wall Squat, Hanging Sh Pack, Walking on toes/heels/both sides of feet

-Pistol BWx1/1,1/1, 16/16KGx1/1 - 3 rounds(only 1 - 16KG on last round)
Alt w/
-Pull Up 45LBSx1 - 3 sets

-Long Cycle C+J 16/16KGx10 - 5 sets
First time for these in awhile.

-Fast and Loose, Front and Side Opener, Toe Touch

I've also been keeping up with the Z practice, sneaking it in throughout the day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last Few Days


-Croc Breath, Hollow Practice

-Pull Up 37LBSx1 - 8 sets
Alt w/
-2KB Clean/Squat/Press 24/24KGx5 - 5 sets
-2 KB Snatch 16/16KGx10 - 2 sets, 20/20KGx10

-Mod Brettzel, ASLR, Ext Hip Rot Stretch


-Croc Breath, Z drills

-TGU BWx1/1 - 2 sets

-Pistol BW(roll out)x1/1 - 3 sets, 16KGx2/2 - 3 sets
The bell was racked opposite side and PP Face Wall Squats between weighted sets.

-Snatch vo2(36:36) 16KGx18 - 12 sets
This is just killin' me. Much tougher for me than the 15:15.

-Mod Brettzel


-Croc Breath, Closed Chain Dorsi(right), Pump/Pry, PP Face Wall Squat, Hanging Sh Pack
Lots of movement prep, but little things make the difference and I need to work on this stuff.

-Pull Up BWx5 - 3 sets, BWx3 - 3 sets
Alt w/
-2KB BUC+S 20/20KGx4 - 3 sets
-2KB Clean(hold last rep 20-30 sec) 24/24KGx5, 24/24KGx10 - 2 sets

-ASLR, Mod Brettzel, Ext Hip Rot Stretch

Already feeling much better with everything since the vo2 switch over. Double bell work is feeling smoother. I videoed some double snatched a few days ago and was happy with the form. The pull ups are also feeling much stronger since the switch in form. That's it for today.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First Day of 36:36 - 10/20/09

-Croc Breath

-TGU BWx1/1, BUTGU 16KGx1/1 - 2 sets
The BW get ups has some breakdown drill in them for movement prep. The BU felt good for the first time back in a bit.

-Snatch vo2(36:36) 16KGx18 - 10 sets
Much tougher than I thought it would be(I wanted to get 15 but slowed down). I've messed around with this before but never tested for it and actually completed a cycle. This should be fun.

That's it for now. Got a little Z in later in the evening.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Here's the Weekend


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Z Drills

-Pull Up BWx4 - 4 sets
Alt w/
-2KB Clean/Squat 24/24KGx5 - 4 sets
Felt good moving with 2 bells...but needs more practice.

-Pistol 12KGx1/1 - 4 sets
KB held by horns for counter balance/5-10 sec pause in the hole while lengthening back before driving up.
Alt w/
-2KB Snatch 16/16KGx10 - 4 sets
Again, felt good but needs more practice.

-Mod Brettzel, Pump/Pry, PP Face Wall Squat


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Z Drills, Fast and Loose

-TGU(Press to Elbow) BWx5/5 - 3 sets

-Snatch vo2 Cadence Test 16KGx30 in 5th min(3 more than test on 9/5/09)
This will put me at 18 reps/36 sec for next cycle.

That's it. Thinking vo2 work will be on Tues/Sat and tension and 2KB work on Thurs/Sun.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Few Days Split w/ Some Rest

The first session is from a little over a week ago but I haven't logged it yet. Here it is.


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Z Drills, PP Face Wall Squat

-TGU(Press to Elbow) BWx3/3

-Pull Up BWx4 - 4 sets
Alt w/
-2KB BUFS 20/20x5, 24/24x3 - 3 sets

-2KB Swing 24/24x10 - 5 sets
Alt w/
-BUP 24x3/3, 28x1/1 - 4 sets

-Brettzel, ASLR

After this one I tool about a week off and focused on Lots of R and I phase Z.


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, T-spine Glides, Pelvic Circles

-Snatch vo2(15:15) 16KGx7 - 80 sets
Felt real strong. Probably could have went another 5-10 min.

-Mod Brettzel, ASLR

Next phase will be 36:36 vo2, Pistols and Pull Ups, and practice with various 2 KB drills. That's it for now.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesdays Training - 10/6/09

Big day on the snatches today so not much else.

Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Power Position Face the Wall Squat, Hanging Sh Pack

-Pistol Practice (roll out at the bottom) BWx3/3 - 3 sets,(hardstyle) 16KGx1/1 - 3 sets
The hardstyle reps were racked on the opposite side of the down leg. I'm able to control the roll outs in a much slower fashion than a week ago.

-Snatch vo2max(15:15) 16KGx7 - 70 sets
Feelin' good! I slowed on my right side just a bit on the last few sets because of a little tear. Very weird, the callous ripped in 2 different spots but didn't come completely off. Saturday should bring the 80 sets and I will move to the 36:36 protocol.

-Fast and Loose Drills

That's it!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Week of Training

I'd like to update a little more than once/week but that's all I seem to be getting lately. The sets are getting high on the vo2 max days so that is the bulk of the work on those days and the other day or two is focused on tension drills. Lots of Z, Fast and Loose, and other mobility work throughout the week...trying to get a little something in everyday. Here's the week.


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Hollow Position Practice

-Pull Up BWx4 - 3 sets
Alt w/
-2KB BUFS and Press 16/16KGx5,4,4

-Snatch vo2max(15:15) 16KGx7 - 53 sets
These were hard today. Tough to stay fast at the end.



Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Z-Drills

-TGU(flat to elbow) BWx5/5 - 3 sets
Tougher on right, focus on slow movement and engaging lat.

-Pull Up 10LBSx3 - 4 sets
Alt w/
-Pistol(slow neg then roll out) BWx3/3 - 4 sets

-1 Arm Swing 24KGx20(10 left/10 right) - 5 sets
Alt w/
-2KB BUC and Hold attempts
The 32's were a no go. I could get the 28's to stick for a few seconds


Movement Prep - Croc Breath, Z Drills, Power Position Face the Wall Squat
The squat is from the Kettlebells for Power Athletes DVD Brett Jones and Jeff O'Connor put out. Very cool move, basically you back a few inches from the wall, hold a chest expander behind your back, and squat. This move really opens the chest and fires the upper erectors, good stuff!

-Pull Up Practice
Just messing around with some various grips and drills. I found out the goose neck position is tough and hanging shoulder packs are something I need.

-Snatch vo2max(15:15) 16KGx7 - 58 sets
Felt much better than Tues.

-BU Rack Walk 20/20KGx15ft or so
I like it!

-Hanging Sh Pack, Brettzel, ASLR, Power Position Face the Wall Squat

Good week! Lately I've been trying to end with mobility and flexibility work and have notice a nice change in the way I feel when I'm not training.