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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shoulder Trouble - 5/10/09

Been getting a little pinch in my right shoulder so I'm trying to get the pre movement drills figured out that I need.

-Foam Roll onArmpit and Right Add, Cobra Stretch, Shoulder Sweep, Sleeper Stretch, ASLR, Soft Roll(very cool learning more about this rolling thing)

-Armbar 16KGx8/8

-Pistol 24KGx2/2 - 3 sets
Bad balance tonight.

-Press Practice 16KG
Various styles, just seeing how they feel compared to each other.

-Hammer Twist x5/5

-Rev Wrist Curl 12LBSx10/10
Did these to before the heavy grip stuff to see if it helps. Not sure think I like it during the day so the grip is fresh for the session.

-Rolling Thunder 105LBSx1/1 - 5 sets
Right got stronger at the end.

-CoC #2
Couldn't get it when choked at 1" with either hand.

-Hub Lift
Got 45LBS w/ each hand

-Blob Lift
Couple w/ each hand.

-1 Arm Swing 24KGx10/10

-Snatch 24KGx10 every min - 10 sets
Switched hands every set and made sure the hips stayed fast every rep.


Anonymous said...

nice work!! i get random shoulder things and typically it is related to poor posture while training, overtraining and / or sleeping on it funny...good luck

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks. This is the shoulder I hurt in college while pressing(no idea what actually happened to it). Rehabbed by taking a few months off presses and then right back at it with bad compensation. This was back when I knew everything. ;-) I still got some work to do.