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Monday, May 25, 2009

Tryin' a Few New Things - 5/25/09

A couple new things for today. Cool stuff, here's how it went.

-Foam roll and stick work to start off with, found a trigger point on the right shoulder blade that might be messin' with that shoulder

-Low Body T-Spine Rot, Sh Sweep, Hip Flexor Stretch Prog

Feeling better on the right

-Arm Bar 24KGx1min - 4 sets(2 each side)

-Lying Squat-Eccentric Load w/ band x10 - 2 sets
Cool stuff, hooked theraband around my feet and pulled into the squat. It forced the whole pattern to happen...dorsiflexion...hip flexion...locked core...awesome.

-Explosive Step Up Pattern BWx30/30
Forcing that right hip to extend.

-Forward/Rev Lunge(wt. racked on moving side) 16KGx5/5 - 3 sets
Good practice in split stance and on 1 leg. I like it.

Alt w/

-Push Press(in split stance wt. over back leg) 24KGx10/10 - 3 sets
This was another experiment. Openin' up some alternative possibilities to the old bi-lateral stance.

-1 Arm Swing 24KGx5/5

-Snatch 24KGx98 in 5min
Had to stop and chalk the hands 3x during the 5 min. Hopin' it won't be this humid in Minnesota.

-Lev Block Curl 12.5LBSx5/5, 4/4

That's it. Good day, really enjoyed the new moves and can see that they are important to include in the mix. The right hip has been a bit sore in some muscles that normally aren't so I like that.


Anonymous said...

nice job...arm bar for 1 min!! dang--gotta try...snatches are looking nice and consistently high 90's + good stuff!! good luck although you don't need it!!

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks man! I'll let you know how it goes.