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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last Few Days

I was out of town over the weekend so a little Z and some stretches is that got done. I threatened to take a run but grabbed a beer instead. ;-)


Movement Prep - Mod Brettzel(twist to left)
I've been getting a little trigger in my left shoulder blade and haveing limited range on the stretch to my left so...I have been working on opening that side for the last couple days. Feels better, probably time to check both ways.

-BUTGU 16KGx2/2
Doesn't sound like much but by the end of the second in a row the grip is screaming.

-Conventional Dead 225LBSx5 - 4 sets
Worked on eye positioning. Mike Nelson put a great series of video on his blog covering the dead. Cool stuff!

That's it for a late Monday night session.


Anonymous said...

your workouts look like brett jones...wonder what's in the water you guys are drinking?? good stuff!

Carl Sipes said...

I like the way Brett thinks. I'm trying to take a page from his book and really put proper movement and working on the weak links before getting a "workout". Makes me sound like a training snob, but I really like what I've been getting out of it.