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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday - 8/11/09

Little stiff in the lower back today so the session wasn't as long as I was planning, but sometimes you gotta play it smart.

Movement Prep - Z drills, Brettzel(2 ways), Half Kneel/Dorsi Stretch into Mt Climber, Passive Leg Drop, Closed Chain Dorsi Flex

-Ballet Heel Raise x8

-Arm Bar 20KGx5/5

-BUTGU 20KGx1/1 - 3 sets
Lost it on 1 or 2 of these but got it back up and finished the move.

-Dead 225LBSx5 - 2 sets
Practiced "pushing the bony parts of the foot into ground" and "wedging my hips". 2 very good cues and things to think about.

That's it. Been practicing Z and general mobility drills between session. I think my hips are ready to start with some barbell deads again. We'll see where it goes.


Anonymous said...

interesting cues on the dead..."wedging the hips"?? can you explain more---good stuff!!

Carl Sipes said...

It kinda has the same feel as Jeff O'Connors front raise/gob squat but in a deadlift position. If you think of creating a small tight wedge out of your hips 1)your butt will be back but "tilted to the ceiling" creating a great stretch on the hams and glutes and 2)your shoulders will be down and back lifting your chest but creating the tightest possible power arch through your entire back. That's a lot of stored energy waiting to punish the iron. ;-)

Anonymous said...

cool i read geoff saying something like this in an article..thanks