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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Memory is Slippin'

I think I did a little something Thurs night but I didn't write it down and can't remember what it was. Oh well, here's today.

Movement prep - ASLR, Brettzel(2 ways), Closed Chain Dorsi Stretch & Pattern

-Single Leg Lift Pattern w/ band x10/10 2 sets
I was playing with this at work the other day and noticed a big difference from one side to the other. They felt better today but I was on a single leg stand with a band instead of a half kneel with the Cook bar.

-BUTGU 16KGx2/2 - 2 sets
I'm tellin' ya 2 reps in a row will make the grip scream!

-1 Arm Swing 32KGx10/10 - 3 sets
Alt w/
-BUP 24KGx3/3 - 3 sets

-CoC #1 and #2 attempts
Worked on locking the elbow on the crush.

That was it for the basement. A little Z and about a 30 min run to finish it off.


Anonymous said...

locking the elbow on the crush? is it bent and then you straighten as you squeeze...or do you start off straight?

Carl Sipes said...

Start with a little bend and lock as I crush.