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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tues 2/12/08

I tried the 10 min SSST today. It was more intense than I anticipated. I can tell this will need some serious work to hit the 200 mark.

-Snatch 24KGx120 in 10min

-2KB 1Arm Press 16KG/8KGx5/5 5sets

I rested the small KB on my arm, so the press required solid form for balance. I think it's a pretty cool move.

-1Leg/1KB Dead Lift 24KGx5/5 3sets

I kept the KB in the opposite hand of the leg I was using. I wanted to get 5 sets but was fried by the end. As I said the SSST was harder than I thought it would be. All in all a good night.


Joe Sarti said...

You healing up? Nice work man. I like the TGU/Pull-up ladder and I am considering doing the SSST myself. lets catch up next week and great to hear Kendra is joining in

Carl Sipes said...

The stitches are out and I'm feeling good. The SSST left me sore and it has been awhile for that. Kendra is doing good. She is set up for 3 ladder days/week to help learn the 6 basic moves.