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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tues 2/26/08

Missed a few days on the pull up plan but I'm back at it.

-Pull up 37LBSx4,3,2,1,1

Mixing up the rest of the workouts a little bit too.

-2KB Clean 32KG/32KGx1,2,3,4,5 3rounds

-2KB 1Arm Press 12KG/16KGx1,2,3,4,5 2rounds

-Janda Crunch 32KGx5 5sets

On Thursday I'm going to try hard 2KB snatch ladders and easier 2KB clean ladders along with the pull ups and 1 arm bridges.

I also started Super Joints on Sat. I've been through the joint mobility sequence a couple times. Tryin' to do it in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's up bro!!! dude, your strength is looking good!! good job on the pull-ups!!! mine tens are a money-maker!!! 2 kb's using clean on upper body days and swings on, kills if you keep rest periods around 30-45 sec...great work for a combo of strength and endurance!!!later alan