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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lovin' The Grip - 4/28/09

No snatchin' today, still a little sore on the right hand, but got some good overhead work in anyway. Also had a good night with the grip work.

-Sit&Reach, Lower/Upper Body Twist, Shoulder Sweep, ASLR, Rolling Pattern

-SLDL 24/24KGx5/5 - 3 sets

Alt w/

-2KB Press 24/24KGx5, 32/32KGx5,4
The 32's got heavy. :-)

#1 x3/3 - 2 sets
#2 choked to 1" x4/4
Still easier on the right.

-Blob Practice
Various styles of lifting. Takes a few times to get these feeling good and the grip runs out fast. Have to rest between reps.

-Hub Lift
Tried to curl and clean the 35...ugly. Got 45 w/ each hand.

-Jerk 24KGx10/10 - 5 sets
Feeling better w/ this...more explosive.

-Ab wheel x5 - 2 sets

That's it today. More snatchin' on Thurs


Anonymous said...

that's a lot of work!! is choking using two hands on the CoC?? good stuff!! later,
ps...hows the baby girl and your wifey? (i asked the same question on my blog, sorry for the redundancy)

Carl Sipes said...

Yeah...I've been feeling good! To choke the gripper I use something I got at ACE Hardware, not sure what it's called but it's like a metal zip-tie with a screw on the side that tightens and loosens it. So the gripper is constantly held at 1"(or where ever I set it) so I can put max effort from that point. Cool stuff, you can learn more from Diesel Crew and Gripboard if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

cool...sounds like a board press theory for the bench press