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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Double Session Today! - 7/23/09

Since I took Tues off I decided to get up and go for a run this morning. Felt pretty good so I extended it to about 30 min.

The Afternoon

Movement Prep - Brettzel(tight today, held for a bit longer), Half Kneel/Dorsi Stretch, Toe Touch/Toes Up, High Skipping(broke down much faster)

-BUTGU 16KGx1/1 - 2 sets
Started w/ the O'Connor Complex on each side then when to the full get up.

-Gob Squat/Front Raise 16KGx3 - 3 sets
Getting the arms higher and feeling better pulling the hips into the hole and keeping a long back.
Superset w/
-Half Kneel/BUP 12KGx6/6 - 3 sets
I actually did 2 sets w/ the left hand. I need the work, terrible how unstable my right hip is in this position.

-Hard Style Swing 48KGx10 - 5 or 6 sets(pretty small number to lose count on...I know)
Focused on creating the tension from the feet all the way to the hands. Straight feed-forward tension!

-CoC #1 - 5 singles/hand
Went for a wide grip/explosive close with this.

Tried something new to me this week at work. I had one of the Doc's perform ART on my left shoulder and went straight to sh sweeps and arm bars. Feels like it's sitting much stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha...i loose count all the time--i think when you train like we do, sets/reps loose their importance to our "gut" feeling and just basic feel for quality movements...