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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday's Training - 7/2/09

Movement Prep - Ankle/Arch Prog, Closed Chain Dorsi, Active Leg Drop, Brettzel, Neck Prog, Lat Trunk Flex, Standing Trunk Rot, Cossack

-SLDL 32KGx5/5 - 3 sets then 2 extra sets on the right leg
Superset w/
-Assisted Handstand Push(neg.) x3 - 4 sets

-2KB BUC 24/24KGx5 - 3 sets
superset w/
-Swing 24KG 2hand x 15, right hand x 15, left hand x 15 - 3 sets

-DU Bending
First time for this in awhile. Wanted to even things out in the body before I continued with this training, but I think I'm ready to start back at it.

-Road run in the VFF - the shorter course

-Indian Club practice
Worked on a few new techniques and practiced some old ones.

That was today!


Anonymous said...

nice work on the sldl...dang!! i haven't done double bucleans in awhile...great lat activator for me...good job

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks! I've been really trying to work on the SLDL to even out the hips. They're getting closer!