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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Powerin' Up - 9/3/09

Movement Prep - Z drills, ASLR, Mod Brettzel

-BUP 20KGx5/5 - 2 sets

-Snatch 20KGx10/10 - 5 sets
Feeling real good with the snatches. I lost my copy of VWC so my new one is on the way and I'm ready to jump in with both feet when it gets here.

-Rack Walk 28/28KGx50ft - 2 sets
Liking the walks. I've been interlocking my fingers and pulling the elbows as close as they'll go...good stuff!

That's it for today.


Anonymous said... lost it!! i once had some advice given to me re: loaning books---don't ! if you want to see it again that is...LOL , later

Carl Sipes said...

I know, I know. ;-) I'm racking my brain trying to figure out who I would have loaned it to and can't come up with anyone.

Mike T Nelson said...

Good stuff. Ditto on the book advice. If I have one that I will give away, I will give it to someone as a gift. All the ones I "loaned out" somehow never came back.

Thanks also for the blog link on the right hand side. MUCH appreciated!

Let me know if I can help in any way.

Rock on
Mike T Nelson PhD(c)

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks Mike! I appreciate it and will probably take you up on your offer shortly. I'm planning to jump into the world of Z in 2010. Just waiting for the schedule.