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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rampin Back Up - 1/4/09

More of the hurdle step progression to start things off. I am still off on one side at the beginning and dead even after the going through the progression so I will continue to use this until I'm even at the beginning. I'm trying to go through it on days that I don't train as well(when I think of it).

40KGx1/1 2sets
Went heavier on these than I think I ever have. Got some video for critique.

-Conv. Deadlift
370LBSx5 2sets

-Bent Press
40KGx3/3 2sets
I got some video of my 2nd set of 3 here for some critique as well. I think they look good, but I lose focus at the beginning of my right hand set and have to guide the weight down. I let the weight twist in on me and lost balance. It happens very quickly so I can't stress enough that you really have to have your head into this stuff the whole time. I guess you could say it's a good example of what to do and what NOT to do. ;-)

-1 KB Row 48KGx5/5 2sets

-Plate Curls 2-10LBSx5/5 2sets

Diamond Classic #2 to 135 degrees in 5min(about 150-155 degrees at the end) on left hip
First time I tried one of these and it felt easier than the DS #1 I have been working with. I was going to send it for a cert. but I want to get it to 180 in 5 min.

SCF Polo #1 (not labeled polo) to 85 degrees on right hip
This is when I change the grip with my left hand and it feels like lose all my strength. I'll get it sooner or later.

-Swing 48KGx10 every 30 sec for 4min
I was going to go 5min but had absolutely nothing left in my hips...I figure that is a good sign to pack it up for the day.


Mark Davis said...

Those are awesome Carl!! I wish that I had been introduced to this style of training years ago.

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks Mark! I'll see you Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Left arm on both exercises looks stronger than your right...tgu especially!! funny thing..can't you do a MP better on your right??
Form looks good from my little knowledge base; but, (especially the bent press)I would rest longer between ea arm/ sets ...and maybe not go over 2 reps even with lighter kb's--add sets not reps for more volume...
More important than the weight used, is the intense pressure that is used to create the tension---man, i have to rest if i am going to press a decent weight. You cant sprint a mile...I think you should have nailed those last reps on your right--you were tired!
just two cents...but still you look way strong!! later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

Yeah, kinda funny, I'm left handed but press better with my right and lock out better with my left. I don't know. :-)

I agree with more rest and fewwer reps on the bent press. I think I rushed it because of the video(I was actually thinking about the video not the weight when it went down).

Thanks for the input!