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Friday, May 16, 2008


Got some good grinds in tonight. Here's how it went

-BU Press 20KGx7/7 5sets
I got the first 3 sets and then had to come back and pick up a rep or 2 after I lost the balance on the last 2 sets.
Alt w/
-Renegade Row 32/32KGx7/7 5sets

The bending was pretty fun tonight. Some various steel stock that I ordered arrived. Here is the run down.

-5" 3/16"Round Cold Rolled Steel(2 of these)
-5" 3/16" Hex CRS
-5" 3/16" Square CRS(noticeably tougher)
-7" 1/4" Round Hot Rolled Steel(softer than CRS)
I also tried the yellow nail(7" 1/4" Round CRS) but my hands were done. I'll start a bending program I found on next Monday. This will add some organization and hopefully some progression to my bending.

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