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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thurs 5/1/08

I had a quick session tonight but used a very fun toy that I made. I haven't dead lifted in quite awhile because I haven't had a bar at home. Well, I fixed that. I had a guy I know get me 6' pieces of 1&1/4" and 1&1/2" pipe and ran a chain through the middle of them to hook KB's on(I think I saw something like this on KJ's blog). I just tried the 1&1/2" tonight and it was intense. I pulled conventional and sumo both from a platform and a 32 and 28KG on both sides was closing in on all I could take. The thick handle was tough but the swinging weight is what made it really hard. Here's how it went.

-Conventional Dead 32/32KGx5 2sets
-Sumo Dead 32&28/32&28KGx2 3sets

I'm not sure what the pipe and chains weigh but it's no more than 20LBS.

I also got through 45 cards tonight. It took a couple minutes. I can't get over how much this takes out of me, so once again I ended the night with the rip.


Anonymous said...

hard core!!! l luv it...i have tried hanging kb's off bars really adds a new element of instability, (with the swinging wts)...see if you can do some floor press the same way...its pretty cool too!!! good stuff! alan

Carl Sipes said...

How do you get under the bar for a heavy floor press? I might ge able to wiggle under it but not sure.

Anonymous said...

anything that elevates...i have used car jacks...stacks of 2x6's, or just random things that i have in my garage...but i usually had a spotter when i tried these weird that i bought a power rack, i dont worry about things like that as much...the power rack is a life saver and has become essential to me...(it has holes down low so i can do floor press) ....good luck!! alan