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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Back At It w/ Session #1 - 2/21/09

First day back after a week with just mobility and corrective work. This cycle should be similar to the last with a few changes. Here's how it went.

-Toe Touch, Lower/Upper Body Twist, Shoulder Sweep w/ Add, ASLR, Single Leg Hip Raise w/ Foam Roller

-TGU 40KGx1/1 - 3sets

-SLDL 24KGx3/3
I don't think my right hip is extending as well as it should so I am using these to fire each side independently before the deads. Definitely felt tougher on the right side, so hopefully it helps.

-Semi-sumo Dead
325x3 - 2sets
I dropped the sets to 3 and started a little heavier than normal. We'll see how it works at the end of the session.

-BUP 28KGx1,2,3 - 2ladders

-Pull Up BWx2,4,5,2
I was going to do ladders here too, but I'm using a more strict form a broke down quick. Will keep working on the form and might super set these with the presses down the road.

-Leverage Block Curl 12 1/2lbsx3/3 - 3sets
Fun new toy! I set the weight as far out as I could and it was tough. Will really help the plate curls.

-Bending Grade 2x10
I used 2 IMP's wrapped loose and burned through them as quick as I could.

-Swing 48KGx10 - 5sets

-Back Bridge, Hip Stretch, Cossak, Ham Stretch, Toe Touch
I've also been using the foam roller throughout the day.

Felt good to get back at it!


Anonymous said...

i think you will like 3's even more...good stuff!!

Carl Sipes said...

Yeah, should be a nice strength cycle before the weather breaks and I can get outside for some stuff.

Anonymous said...

we're pretty spoiled is 50-70 degrees during the day most days...soon as my test is over in will start hill-running/ sled dragging again--interested to see how well snatch 15:15 and ssst training fit in!! later