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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some Fun and Some PR's - 2/15/09

Just wanted to have a little fun today and see what I could do. Started out the same way I normally do with the ASLR, upper and lower body twist, and shoulder sweeps.

-SLDL 24KGx5/5
I used the same long leg position as the stiff deads, I just did them on one leg. I held the KB in the opposite hand from the leg on the floor.

-Semi-Sumo Deadlift
460LBSx1 PR!
470LBS failed
I went back to the semi-sumo after a cycle of conventional. It's a much stronger feeling style for me and think I'll be able to handle some bigger weights after taking a little break from the style. I was very happy that the last cycle still pushed my PR up 5 lbs. I broke 470 off the floor but it wasn't going anywhere after that. I think I will break down and use a weight belt for my heavy attempts from now on. I like to keep the aids to a minimum but at a certain point it turns to a question of potential injury and just being smart. We'll see how it goes.

-BUP 28KGx1,2,3,1,1,3
I was going for 2 ladders of 3 but I missed the second rep on the second rung of the second ladder, if that makes any sense. ;-) Still happy with the rungs of 3. First time I've gotten that many I believe.

I kinda had an all around grip session just to see where I was at with things. I worked up to tearing 25 cards. I'm using a different technique and it's much harder because you aren't able to fan the cards as you tear them. I also pinched 2-25's and got lifted but missed 2-35's. I got a few bends in all 3 main styles and bent a polo shoe past 180 with no leg padding.

-Back Bridge, Single Leg Drop, Hip and Quad Stretch, Cossack, Toe Touch

Good day! I'll start the next cycle some time next week. I think one more cycle and it may be time to work in some outside activities. We'll see how the weather goes.


Anonymous said...

awesome job on the pr!!! congrats!!

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks bro!