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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Session #12 - 9/23/08

Hit some PR's on a couple of moves. Here's how it went.

-Front Squat
I put the chain around the handle of the bell again today. I found a way that didn't mess with the clean. The set with 36/40 was the heaviest I have ever done. It felt strong!

-KB Press
This is the other move I hit my best with. I've push pressed the 40 but 34 is the heaviest for a strict press.

-Pull Up
25LBSx3 2sets
I really want to try hanging some weight off my foot for these, but my bar isn't high enough. I'll figure something out.

-Swing 32KGx10 every 30 sec for 5 min
Went a little shorter on these to save for the bends. I like mixing the swings, cleans, and snatches up every time. It adds a little variety to an otherwise structured cycle. It also gets me breathing and keeps me in practice with the moves, which is basically why they are in the rotation.

5/16"x7" 304-SS from 4 1/2" to 4 1/4"
5/16"x7" G2 hex cap closed
5/16"x6" G2 hex cap to 3 1/4"
I think I just ran out of steam on this one because the 7" hex cap was off center by at least an inch and felt real easy after the kink.


Anonymous said...

love it!! you are nailing your squats and presses!! great job!! later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks man! I should get even heavier by the end of this cycle...if it goes as planned.