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Monday, September 29, 2008

Quick And Fun - 9/29/08

I'm starting to like these little recovery/fun sessions I've been throwing in. They really make the main sessions feel stronger. Here's tonight.

-Overhead Squat 16/16KGx5 3sets
Still trying to get comfortable with this one. It really requires a lot of flexibility out of the shoulders and probably even more so the thoracic spine.

-Hockey Deadlift 40KGx5/5 1set
This is the first time I've tried this move. Felt good.

I decided to see how high I could go on these. Tried the 32 and rolled out on the bottom. This was the first time I ever went higher than 16 and think I with a few more attempts with the bigger bells I'll be able to stick them.

Great day!


Anonymous said...

awesome!!! i bet if you tried the 32 again you would have hit it!! good job! funny you did some OH squats...i have considering these for a few days..later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks! The pistols are feeling good. I like the OH squats but they are awkward with 2 bells...must be good for ya.