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Sunday, November 23, 2008

1RM Test on the Dead and Some Other New Stuff - 11/22/08

First day for a new session, so I spent some time playing around with things to figure out how I want to line them up. Here's what I came up with for the warm up moves.

Toe Touch x8
FMS Warm up x5 each position
ASLR x2/2
In-line Half Kneel/Press 12KGx5 each hand/each leg(I'll do the half kneel twist some times)
Overhead Squat x10

Some old stuff, some new. We'll see how it goes. Now for the working sets.

-Suitcase Deadlift 135LBSx5/5
Used the barbell and felt a real difference from side to side. I think a set of these on each side will be great for grooving the motion of the deads that follow.

475LBS missed
I tried 475 twice and wasn't getting it. I probably should have tried 465 but I got greedy. Oh well, still happy with 455.

-KB Press
48KG missed
32KG bottoms up missed
Just had some fun with this. The 40 feels good but the Beast is still a ways off.

-Barbell Mil. Press 135LBSx5 2sets
First time for this in awhile. Felt good. I'll use this instead of the KB press for this cycle.

-Chin Up
Feels good. I'll start adding weight this cycle.

Isos on DC #1 horseshoe. I'll bend that thing one day.

-TGU 24KGx10/10
I alternated from side to side and went pretty much straight through, just a little break at the halfway mark. I will use this move more in this cycle. I will alternate it with swings and snatches throughout the week.

For the cool down stretches I used the shoulder dislocate x5 and a cobra stretch with a quad stretch into a child's pose. Good stuff for today. I'll start the real cycle on Tues and go for 12 session.


Anonymous said...

congrats on your PR!!! heavy deads are misleading at times...

i remember when i used to workout with jason when we first started powerlifting; we knew a guy who could rep out 405 x 20 on deads-wow! but he couldn't get 455 let alone the time jason was pulling around 500 and couldn't imagine repping 405 for more than 3 reps..of course jason did lots of heavy and even light singles while this other guy did 5's, 10's and 20's for his sets -hmmm, its relative to your training goals i know, but an interesting perspective i thought...

anyhoo, good job!! 500 is right around your corner!! throw some heavy singles (90%+) and heavy partial deads in and see what happens!! pre-load!!!
later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks! 405 for 20 is crazy! I guess that is what you would call strength-endurance. I'll end up doing some heavy sets of lower reps(1,2,3) towards the end of the cycle. I thought of heavy partials but don't have a rack or blocks to pull from. Maybe I'll figure something out.

Anonymous said...

dig a hole and stand in!! that's what frank anderson used to do...good luck!! (maybe do deads while you stand on weights - over pull)later, alan