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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sat 4/12/08

Switched some things up and added some grip work at the end. Here's how it went.

-Snatch vo2max(15 sec) 16KGx7 50sets
I'll move to 8 reps next time. When I get 50 sets of that I will move to 20KG.

-2KB Windmill 32/32KGx3/3 5sets
Love this move. This was the first time I went this heavy and it really forced me to stay tight throughout the move.

Here's where the grip work came in. It was different for me and kinda fun. Working the grip really forces you to keep the entire body tense. I alternated the 2 moves.

-Sledge Twist/Elbow at 90 10LBSx1/1/1/1 3sets

-Vertical Hex DB Pinch Hold 12/12LBSx1min 3sets

This is the change I needed in my training. I also ordered the bag of nails from IronMind. A couple weeks of grip work and I will try and add some bending in the mix.

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