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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thurs 4/24/08

I wanted to do pull ups tonight but no bar at the new place, so I had to improvise. Here's how it went.

-Renegade Row 24/24KGx5/5 1set
28/28KGx5/5 5sets
Alt w/
-Bottoms Up Press 16KGx5/5 1set

-Tabata Swing 24KGx5min
I just my gymboss in today and decided to try it. It really SUCKS. It kept me way more honest than I like to keep myself. As much as I don't like it, it will come in very handy in this type of workout as well as the vo2max workouts.

I also got some bending in tonight. I started with 5 whites bent in various ways which all went very easily. After that I moved to the greens. I wanted 5 but after 3 decided to call it a day because my hands were fried. I think I will look for something between the green and the yellow to practice on and help on my way to slamin' shut the yellow.


Joe Sarti said...

congrats on the move and I love the grip stuff. that is truly an amazing full body tension exercise and requires so serious focus. Cannot wait to here more about it. Catch me when you can my friend

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks Bro. Will try to catch up tonight after work or this weekend.