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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thurs 4/17/08

-2KB Swing 32/32KGx5,10,15 3rounds
Was going to do one or two more rounds but my hips were losing the snap.

-1KB Bottom Up Press 24KGx1 6sets
These were much harder than I thought they would be. My right side was a lot weaker than my left. I guess I need to do more of these.

-Sledge Twist 10LBSx1/1 1set
10LBSx2/2 3sets

-Sledge Front Lever 10LBSx5/5 1set
First time for these. They felt alright but like everything else, need work

I also tried ripping cards tonight. Got through 20 and then 25 but got stuck on 30. I think my hands were kinda fried by the last attempt but not bad for the first time. Can't wait for my nails to arrive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude, you are turning into a machine!!! i read super joints also; i use a mix of this and that from it, loaded stretching, and other resources. kinda depends on my mood and what i am feeling.
the z-health is very similiar to the mobility/ recharge stuff we do at rkc....i just wanted a more in depth explanation of what it was, so i bought it (brett jones really likes it also so he kinda sold me). it is very simple!!! and i will still use super joints as a part of my warm-up/ recovery days....i really like the z-health for more deconditioned people because of the simplicity of most the i said i am still playing with it and have only really done it a couple times we'll see i'll keep the blog updated !!! good to hear from you...keep up the good work!! later, alan