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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sun 4/27/08

Great session today!

-Snatch vo2max(15 sec) 20KGx7 40sets
I was going to use the 16KG one more time but my buddy Alan told me to stop being a sis and use the 20KG it might surprise me. It really did. I planned on 30 sets and just felt to good to quit. Thanks for the push man!

-2KB Windmill 32/32KGx3/3 3sets
Put an extra stretch at the bottom on these. I let go of the handle on the bottom and tapped the floor with my hand then re-gripped on the way up. Made 'em a hell of a lot harder.

-V Bar 32KG+10LBS(chain)x1/1 5sets
The grip felt strong with a little chalk in the hands. It's a cool move.

-Over Head Sledge Lever 10LBSx1/1 2sets
Did these just for a fun end. I got them down but they didn't go up.

Going to Lowe's today so I'll probably do some bending tonight.


Anonymous said...

Dude!!! you're the man!! great job on your vo2 work!!! if your hips are popping...then the snatch should keep working!!! especially with the amount of weight you use for windmills and 2 kb are in the strong category for the vo2 stuff!! 24kg is right around the corner!! maybe even rotate some shorter 24 kg 15:15 sessions with your longer 20 kg with it-( I know you didnt ask for all this advice...sorry) great work!!! you are a mutant!!! later, alan

Anonymous said...

roc on!!! i will keep the hot air flowing!!! very eager to see your as soon as you can; i am also going to start playing around with some visuals....later, alan