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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cleans+Snatches - 8/17/08

Kind of a dynamic day today. Cleans, snatches, and some core work.

-Floor Cleans
32KGx5/5 1set
40KGx5/5 1sets
48KGx5/5 3sets
Playin' with the Beast was fun. I got my second set on video.

-Snatches 24KGx1min 4sets(2R, 2L)
I think I got 21 or 22 reps/min. This was way harder than I thought it would be. I need to get the number up by a few reps.

-Dynamic Plank to Side Plank BWx3/3 2sets
This is a cool move. I learned it from a seminar that Stuart McGill put on. Excellent move to make sure that the core is locked tight. The deal is to make sure that the hips and shoulders move together. The biggest problem with most people is that they want to shift the hips first to build momentum that drags the shoulders with. I got some video of this too.

Alt w/

-Hanging Leg Raise BWx5 2sets

Good day. Bending tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

i like your variety!! cleans look good! the plank variation is a freaking awesome move....
i learned plank holds etc years ago but never realized what i was doing or how important the application was....this is going to be a great addition to my classes..later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

It's a great move. When the hips and shoulders move together it demands a ridiculous amount of tension in the body. Something most folks could use a lesson in. Your class will love you! HAHA