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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pistols+Bending - 8/21/08

I decided to do the pistols with no box today and see how they went. They felt alright but still need a lot of work. I got my second set on video so please, if you have any suggestions let me know.

-Pistol 16KGx4/4 3sets

Tonight's session was a stage bend night. That means I was suppose to bend till I couldn't bend anymore and then cheat it a little and try again. I decided to try a 5/16"x7" stainless-304 piece. It started good and then froze up on me just past 90 degrees. Funny part is I tried to cheat bend it at the end to try and go a but further and couldn't. Here's the video.

Maybe a little juggling tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

dude your bending is intense...your forearms are looking jacked and rugged like some mine worker who slings a sledge hammer for a living!!
your pistols look ok...honestly i would try adding deep 2 kb front squats, or any squat, and practicing the pistol from the bottom up rather than the top down...
i never had much problem getting this one down and i feel like all of my past days of squatting carried over and allowed me to have the stability needed to get my butt to the ground. I pretty much did this the first or second time i tried them...i mean, doesn't all of your bending help out with your grip in different contexts??
i had better if success (personally) using low reps 1,2,3 and just practicing pistols while I maintained a healthy diet of squats. Tension is also major!! i tense up very hard much that 5 reps leaves me feeling smoked!! 30 pistols on ea leg exhausts me because I tense as if i am lifting a car...this creates my stability/ balance...then i react hard and get the hek out of the bottom!! (box squats!!) also, speeding up on the descent (as long as it is controlled) also helps...good luck bro...keep up the good work, later alan

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks, it is intense! That's why I think it carries over to hard-style so well, total body tension.

I think you're right about adding the squats, I just need to figure out the best place to put them.

Not real sure what you mean by practice the pistol from the bottom up. But I have been easing down my depth from top to bottom because I hurt my knee about 8-9 months ago doing one and I think it's because I sat deep into it and relaxed at the bottom then pushed out. It hurt and jacked up my training for awhile. Now I am trying to focus on total body tension from top to bottom to top.

Saying that I do think your lower rep idea is right on. If you've noticed my reps and sets have consistantly went down from when I started these things. Not because I planned it but because I am spent and don't think more would be a good idea. The more I do them, the better I get at creating tension during them, the more they drain me. Duh... I guess I should learn from my body and treat the move like the grind it is!

Any who, thanks for the tips! Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

re: bottom up training - sit on the box and then set up from there...sit down, set up body mechanics of the move, tense hard, shoot may or may not help.
when i used to coach...i would have the kids learn the squat from the bottom first (w/ bdywt); hold themselves until they were in the right position before they stood up....basically letting them feel what it feels like in the bottom and then let their bodies direct itself back to that position as they practice full bdywt squats....goodluck, later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

Ahhh...I get it. Thanks for the clarification!