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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Presses, Pulls, + Swings - 8/19/08

I tried my presses a bit different today, kneeling. Pretty cool. I had to focus on tensing my entire body because I couldn't really shift to counterbalance. It also forced a pretty strict press for the same reason.

-Kneeling Press
32KGx3/3 4sets

Alt w/

-Pull Up
12KG+10LBSx2 3sets
12KG+10LBSx1 2sets
Felt good, might hang the 16 next time.

-Swing 40KGx5 every 20sec for 10 min = 150reps
I've done this type of work before with 30 sec segments and 10 reps, but cut the reps and time because of the weight. I was able to keep my hips snappy for every rep because of this. The work/rest ratio turned out to be about the same (1:1) as the 30 sec version. I will try and speed my hips up even more to get the same work/rest with a 15 sec segment.

Day off tomorrow, probably some Z. Bending on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

cool workout!! i am really digging your choices and swing sets!! that is the preffered way i like to swing..heavier with lower reps - like you said "chop, chop, chop away at big numbers with small reps!! good work, p.s. are you going to keep the kneeling press? later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks! As far as the presses go I think I will stick with kneeling for a few weeks, progress my way back to standing and see if the carry over will give me a bit more weight.