-Another nice day, a little cool, but had to get outside.
-Sandbag Zercher Squats and Rotational Deads
Used these to warm up again.
The next 4 moves were done in a circuit(trying to move as fast from one to the next) with 1 min rest after the rope. Got through 4 rounds.
-Sled Pull(Forward Walk w/ Hands to Chest) 52KGx 160-180'
I been posting my sled work wrong. 1 lap = 160-180' not 80-90' like I have been posting. The extra 4 KG really made a surprising difference, wasn't expecting much.
-OH Sandbag Lunge 50LBSx5/5
Liking these lunge variations, me thinks I need them too.
-Viking Push Press 24/24KGx10
Had to try it. Good move, definitely a winder.
-Rope Work(Overhand Wave) x30sec
Still killin' me. Might try to separate this and work it by itself.
Next 2 moves were done continuously back and forth for 4 rounds.
-Sled(Side Step) 16KGx80-90'(half lap)
2 rounds with regular side stwps and 2 with grapevine steps. These were tough but I think it was how I had to hold the handles. I'm going to try and rig a harness for these moves next time.
-Rope(Overhand Alt Wave) x30sec
I was going to try and juggle for a bit but this was it for now. Later on I bent a DS#1 to about 70 degrees on my left hip. Felt tough not sure if I am out of practice or it was just a hard shoe for me.
Planning on progressive pulls this weekend, but if it's nice...I'll probably be outside