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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sleds and Sandbags and Ropes...Oh My! - 3/17/09

Scheduled for progressive pulls...but it was just to nice outside. Here's how it went.

-Sandbag Zercher Squats and Rotational Deads 70LBS
No real rep count just movin' for a warm up.

The next 3 moves were done as a circuit w/ 2 min recovery in between for 5 rounds.

-Sled Work 48KGor 24KGx80-90'
Flys and OH work with 24KG and all other pushing and pulling done with 48KG.

-Sandbag Snatch 30LBSx5/5
Very tough to hold onto and a bit of a learning curve on landing the OH position.

-Rope Undulation x30sec
This is just killer! I'm really struggling trying to get the full 30sec. Might mess with shorter hard sprints and long slower continuous movement to see what happens.

The next 2 moves done as a superset with as little rest as possible for 4 rounds.

-Sandbag TGU 100LBSx1/1
Feels like someone is laying on you(and not in a good way) when you try and get up.

-Shoulder Carry 100LBSx80-90' - 2 sets each shoulder
Got very heavy toward the end.

Lovin' this new stuff! That's it for today.


Anonymous said...

cool stuff...i love progressive pulls, but this stuff is fun--outside is good!!

Carl Sipes said...

You got that right!

Josh Henkin said...

Good to see that you are enjoying the "fun" of sandbag training! Keep up the good work.

Josh Henkin, CSCS

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement Josh! I've actually been studying your youtube videos trying to "rob some knowledge" on this whole sandbag thing. ;-) You look to have some great material so I'm sure I'll be picking some up sooner or later. Thanks again!