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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little Change For A Nice Day - 3/5/09

All right, it was nice outside for a change so I decided get some work in out on the grass. I went through the usual prep work and then grabbed the sled and few KB's and headed to the backyard. I also just got a pair of Vibram 5 Finger shoes so I had to try them out. Pretty cool, feels like being barefoot. And if I can find a good fit for my goofy ass foot anybody should be able find a good fit with them.

-Sled Work
I pulled the sled the first half of the lap and drug it backward the second half. Half a lap was probably about 80' to 90'. I must say this kicked my arse! I started with 72KG the first lap...went down to 56KG the second lap...and finished the last 3 laps with 40KG. The legs burned but the lungs were what demanded the drop in weight. It took forever to recover from the first lap. Plus this was the first time I've done this in a year or so, so I didn't really know where to start. Fun stuff. I'm going to try and get a few people together once a week for this type of work when the weather gets more consistent.

-KB Snatch 24KGx10/10 - 5 sets
I threw these in between laps just to get some quick movement in with the sled grinding. Took about 1/2 hour to do this. Definitely need to cut the rest down but just feeling out for today.

-Farmer's Walk 32/32KGx160' to 180' - 2 laps
These felt good, need to use more weight. The length of the lap is a guess again because I'm walking across my backyard. I'll try and get a better measure next time.

-S. S. Dead
360LBSx3 - 2 sets
I wanted to make sure I stay on track with the cycle of deads so I rest a bit then got them in.

SCF Polo #1 on right hip to 70-80 degrees. Wanted to go with the right hip because I haven't bent over it in awhile but I didn't have much time to spend on it because of dinner plans. So that and the fact that I'm a sis with my right thigh led to the sub par bend.

I've also been adding in sets of bench press and squats with abduction(theraband around the knees) when I have time at work. Nothing heavy, just trying to train the motion.


Anonymous said...

dude!! i love it!! i drug on tues with my hill running!! (didn't blog it) are you running or walking when you drag?? do you hold the rope in your hands or strap it around your waist!! or both?? i do tons or different moves and get great work !!...mix in hill sprints, med ball slams etc--i liked your snatch idea!! later
PS how did deads feel after dragging work?? better/ stronger??curious...

Carl Sipes said...

Yeah...good stuff! I walk with it, read some stuff that says running with the weight will mess with the neurological side of regular running. Like swinging a heavy golf club or shooting a heavy basketball. I've got 2 straps with PVC handles so I hold everything. Yesterday I just held the handles tucked into my ribs when I went forward and let arms extend when I walked backward. I'll start adding different stuff when I get more used to the feel. I think it's Diesel Crew that has a 3 part article you can download for free. They also do an ebook you can buy. Don't have it but thinking about it. I like their stuff.

The deads were alright I gave a little rest before I did them. I don't think I'd call them stronger feeling but when I get more use to the sled work that potential may be there.