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Sunday, March 22, 2009

More OF The Good Stuff - 3/21/09

I may never train inside again! ;-) At least not if it stays this nice out. I separated things out a bit today. Here it is.

-Juggling Practice 16KGx10min
Used this as a warm. Got a few cool moves in by the end of the 10. Needs lots of work.

-Battling Ropes 1 minx12 - 30 sec rest between
I alternated between underhand alt. waves, underhand waves, overhand alt. waves, overhand waves. So I ended up with 3 rounds by the end of the 12 min. Ridiculously hard...couldn't make the entire minutes without short breaks. Goal is to work up to whole minutes.

The next 3 moves were done as a circuit for 4 rounds. Tried to go as quick as I could from round to round.

-Sandbag TGU 100LBSx1/1

-Shoulder Carry 100LBSx160-180'(2 carries/shoulder)

-Bridge(arms ext to elbows down) x5/5
Want to start adding some bridge variations toward the end of the sessions.

Cool thing...I strapped on the HR monitor for the previous stuff. Kept it right up around 170 during the moves and dropped to 130 very quickly after movement stopped. Might start tracking these numbers.

-2KB Stairs 24/24KGx28 steps(up and down) 3 sets
Wanted to try this. I've really been working on my toe push with the sled work to try and even out some imbalance in my hips. I wanted to see how stairs made them feel. The way up was good work but what I really liked was the way down. I had to really focus on staying upright and in-line and felt a definite difference from side to side. I think the deceleration required to go smoothly down with the extra weight in hand will build the strength I need in the knees and hips. Will keep posting on the gains with this. Also might try it with some clients and see how they do.

I also tore 30 casino cards. Had to lay off for awhile because of a cut on my index finger but that is ready to go now.

All in all a good day. I should get my IronMind sandbag in next week. The one I have now is already torn to shreds. That'll teach me to try and get away with a cheap alternative. ;-)


Anonymous said...

you da man!! u gave me an idea for the stair portion of my combat challenge!! i am glad you're not a firefighter!!! i would be in trouble at the comp!! later

Carl Sipes said...

HaHa! Thanks! I'm working on the strength endurance but I think it still has a ways to go. Cool about the stairs, hope it helps.