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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Session #2 of the Cycle - 8/30/08

-Front Squat 28/32KGx5 2sets
I switched the weights on each set.

-KB Press 26KGx5/5 2sets
I hung 5LBS of chains from the KB to make the small weight increase.

-Pull Up 10LBSx3 3sets
I messed up on these the first day, that's why I used the same weight and added a sets. From here I'll keep the 3 sets of 3 and a 5LBS per session.

-Snatch 24KGx5/5 every 45sec for 12 min(160 reps)
This was a smoker. I stayed fast with the hips the whole time. My work phase didn't go over 23 sec meaning the work/rest ratio stayed right around 1:1.

-Bridge to Side Bridge BWx3/3 2sets

Felt like a good practice session. Bending on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Good workout!!! nice snatch work and i love your use of chains!! all i am doing this weekend is eating...hahaha!!

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks bro...and trust me I'll be doing my share off eating as well!