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Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Now Consider Myself a Barefoot Fanatic

So I've been going this way for awhile now, but the more I learn the more it just makes sense. I was finally convinced when I listened to the replay of Geoff Neupert interview Gray Cook last night. The foot needs to be worked and moved just like the rest of the body and it just doesn't happen the right way in nice cushy shoes. I have been adding a lot more foot/ankle work to my sessions and I actually took a run today for the first in about 3-4 years, barefoot of course. It felt good, took a few strides to get adjusted, and went smooth the rest of the time. It wasn't a very long run(10-15 min) but that is how it goes. This is definitely a self-limiting exercise and needs to be built up. I got turned on to a cool book(Born to Run) that is about a tribe in Mexico that does crazy distance like ultra marathons in sandals that are basically strips of leather on the soles of their feet. Their movement patterns would have to be perfect to hold up over that kind of distance. Not to mention they are some of the best in the business at these distances. I'll get the book next week and give reports as I go. Here's today.

-1/2 TGU(w/ breakdown drills x 3) Shoe x 1/1
I did these with Kendra before I started my actual session. Pretty cool, instead of weight we balanced a shoe on the up hand and went through the move. If we got into a bad position the shoe dropped. Way tougher than it sounds and great for learning where you are.

Movement Prep - Ankle/Arch Prog, Brettzel, Sup/Ecc Squat, Active Leg Drop, Neck Rot, Neck Lat Flex, Neck Ant/Post Glide, Neck Lat Glide, Neck Circle, Trunk Lat Flex

-SLDL 24KGx5/5 - 3 sets
Superset w/
-Assisted Handstand x20 count - 3 sets
Feeling better I counted to 20 in my head so the count may have sped up as I got fatigued.
-Various Swing Techniques and Juggling
I played around with some outside the leg swings, moving swings, and juggling.
-Barefoot Running 10-15 min
I actually wore my vibram and those were enough to allow me to run on the road. I may get into some trail running but right now the distance is short enough that the road is alright.


Anonymous said...

so funny! i am about to drink that kool-aid too...the barrefoot thing i mean! i am wanting to buy some vibrams; and now we can get the rkc discount on is very inviting!! anyways cool stuff!! congrats on nailing the COC for 3 reps!! cool

Carl Sipes said...

The vibram are pretty much all I wear now. I would highly recommend giving them a go.

Perry said...

You might try combining the juggling with the barefoot running.

Joggling - sport of the future

Perry, 44