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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Workin' the Basics - 6/4/09

Need to get my shoulders squared away. Here's the deal.

Awesome for t-spine rotation. Great starter.

Taking the motion a bit farther and adding a few new dimensions.

-Lower Body T-spine Rot.
A little patterning of the blades.

-Arm Bar 16KGx1min 2/side

-Hanging Shoulder Pack
Should have done this before the arm bar after I thought about it.

-Half TGU 16KGx15 min of practice
Many different sequences and moves within the move. Working on good positioning and keeping the right stuff tight/loose throughout the move.

-Ankle Mob. Work and Stretch
Trying to set the feet right before the swings.

-Swings BW/24KG
Again, many variations. Started with the patterning, did some on an incline, finished with hard-style.

-Blob Work
This thing is starting to piss me off. Some days I got some I don't. Hoping getting the shoulders straight will improve the grip and vice versa.

That's it. This will be the majority of the work for awhile. Will try and practice at least a little bit daily. Probably need to add some j-rope or something to get the HR up.

On another note, passed the on-line FMS test. Just need to film the case study and send it to Brett now.

A few pearls I took home from the CK-FMS.
-foot stability and ankle mobility are very important
-you must have mobility of a part before you can have stability
-fixing small things can have a positive effect on big things
-things don't always have to be hard-style
-the TGU is a way under used move
-the majority of the time simpler is better, it doesn't have to be hard to be effective
-train with a purpose don't complete random acts of variety
-let the screen write the program for you

I'm sure there are more of these I'll be writing about in the future.


Anonymous said...

nice...i love simplicity and not always being hardstyle...i have actually found rest in easing off---fyi, the time i spent only doing tgu and snatch was very beneficial for my overall physical feeling...later,

Carl Sipes said...

I plan on digging into the TGU fairly deeply. We'll see how it plays out.