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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thurs 7/10/08

Kinda messed up how I want to pair things this week so I had a couple of types of cleans today. Normally I will split them up but whatever.

28KGx1/1 5sets
Felt good overall. Not sure how my right side looks so I'll film it next time and invite some constructive criticism. The 28's got heavy but good test of my total body tension.

2KB Clean+Jerk 20KGx10 4sets
Wanted 5 sets but was done after 4. I felt good after seeing my 1KB clean+jerk from last week so I went with 2. Here's some video of my first set, tell me what you think.

Had my Ironmind pad day today. I feel this was probably one of my most productive bending sessions yet. I received an email the other day full of great advice(thanks Ben!) and I really felt good with my position, even the 7" bars felt better. The pains in my hands that use to be there for a few days after a session are gone and replaced with a feeling of strength. Here are my bends in order.
-60D common
-yellow nail
-blue nail
-Iso push on 1/4"x7" Hex CRS(been working this thing forever with leather and got it to budge a little today with cordura, pretty cool!)
-blue nail
-yellow nail x 2

I feel really good with this weeks extra workouts. Ready for a rest day tomorrow, maybe some Z.


Anonymous said...

dude..your cleans look smooth!! the jerk is fluid and looks good!! i dont know what the endurance/ kb version of this move is, but mine uses a foot stomp ( i will train this out for these purposes - vid to come) yours looks good...keep it up!!!

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks man! I think the foot stomp is a preference for people. Not sure if you follow the Dragondoor forum but there was a huge discusion over the jerk being taken out of the last Level II cert. My point is that one of the messeges talked about Brett Jones and Geoff Nuepert both still demonstrating the move. They said Brett's feet stayed planted as mine do and Geoff uses a stomp. Probabley due to his Olympic lifting background. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, just what feels good to you. Can't wait for the video.

Anonymous said... only real experience with this move is with a stomp/ olympic style training in football(bar+200-300 pounds)...very different.

the one thing that stood out while i did this workout with the stomp is the idea that one's knees/ shins may suffer too much from tons of stomping as sprinters suffer from repetitve stopping after sprints etc...hard to tell, but i noticed a slight soreness right above my knees after my jerk workout (it may just be the newness??) good talk!! hey btw, great job on the bu cl/ press with the 28 kg!!! awesome!! later, alan

bencrush said...

Great job on the bending Carl! Glad you got some use out of the e-mail I sent. Still haven't gotten around to filming the 3 styles video. I've been pretty busy at work and with my own training...I will get to it.