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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thurs 7/17/08

Decided to make a little change and superset BUCs and BUPs. Here's how it went.

-BUC 32KGx5/5 5sets
superset w/
-BUP 20KGx5/5 5sets
This was good because it allowed me to go heavier with my cleans. It really worked the grip.

-Swing 48KGx10 5sets
It's been awhile, so I had to pick up the big guy for a few sets.

Tried some new stuff and had probably my best bend so far tonight because I was using the Ironmind pads.
6 - 1/4"x8" HRS
2 - yellow nails(the 8" pieces made this feel much more comfortable also changed my footing tonight which really helped as weird as that sounds)
Grade 5 hex cap(really fought with this one but got it under 2")
2 - blue nails(felt easy after the grade 5)

Ready for a rest day tomorrow!


Anonymous said... your superset idea!! i like the feeling of cleaning and holding that heavier wt also...lats, abs, legs get all tensed--great feel, but pressing a heavier wt obviously go south but...superset!! simple but smart!! good stuff!! later

Carl Sipes said...

Thanks. The heavier is clean is great...really makes the move feel complete.