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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tues 7/15/08

Dead lift day!

-Sumo Dead(2" pipe)
64KGx5 1set
88KGx5 4sets
This pipe just kills my grip.

-Suitcase Dead(1 1/4" pipe)
56KGx2/2 1sets
48KGx3/3 2sets
Had lose some weight cause of the first move. Hands are still fried.

-Clean+Jerk 20/20KGx10 3sets
Still trying to feel this move out. Some reps feel great and some just feel off. Keep workin' at it I guess.

-KB Pinch Grip 10lbs+20KGx1/1 5sets no rest


Anonymous said...

pipe work!!! dude, write an essay over this style and how it helps!! it fits into awkward lifting/ grip stuff!! dead it!!! later, alan

Carl Sipes said... would be a cool topic. I'll see what I can come up with.