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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Variety Day - 7/24/08

Solid session today I felt really good start to finish. Here's how it went.

-2KB Front Squat 32/32KGx5 5sets
First time I have done this move in awhile. I taped sets from the side and the front. Check it out.

-Snatch vo2max(15:15) 16KGx8 60sets
This felt good today. I haven't done this many sets of the 15:15 protocol for awhile now and I could tell, but I finished.

I used my Ironmind pads today and had some good bends.
Grade 5 hex cap
5-blue nails
2-yellow nails(wanted to get the 7" bar under my chin while I was fatigued)
I got the grade 5 on video. I left the tape measure down stairs so the dog(Sharlie) entertains while I go and get it.

Great day of training! I'm out of town for the weekend, so I'll have to do Sat's session on Sun.


Unknown said...

nice work.

Anonymous said...

front squats look solid!! good weight!! the bending is looks like work!! lots of tension and exertion...weird to think that a small move/ exercise like bending can be such a beating!! later, alan

Carl Sipes said...

I was pretty happy with the way the squats felt. It had been awhile so I wasn't sure what would happen. The bending is BRUTAL but so much fun!